Thursday, January 1, 2009

ttal jan 2009

தமஸ்ஸைத் தாண்டுவிப்பவள்
உலகெங்கும் கொண்டாடும் நம் நாட்டு திருவிழாக்களில் முக்கியமானது நவராத்திரி திருவிழா. ஆடி மாதத்தில் பூமியின் தென் திசை வழியாக மேற்கு நோக்கி செய்யும் பயணம் தொடங்கும். இந்த மாதங்களில் இரவு நீண்டதாகவும் பகல் குறுகியதாகவும் இருக்கும். இருட்டு அதிகமாக இருக்கும் போது மனதிலும் இருள் சூழ்ந்தது போல இருக்கும். இந்த உள் இருளை நீக்கத் தான் நம் பெரியோர்கள் தெய்வ வழிபாட்டை நமக்கு காட்டி கொடுத்து இருக்கிறார்கள். பொதுவாக நவராத்திரியின் ஒன்பது நாள் ஸ்ரீ ராமனாக எம்பெருமான் ராவணனோடு போரிட்டு நன்மையை நிலைநாட்டினதை கொண்டாடுவது தான். ஆனால் நம் தாயார் தன் நாயகனான பெருமானின் மூன்று உருவங்களுக்கு ஏற்ப பிரம்மா, விஷ்ணு, மற்றும் சிவ பெருமானின் நாயகியாக எல்லோர் வீடுகளிலும் கொலு வீற்று இருப்பதை கொண்டாடுவதும் வழக்கம். விஷ்ணுவை கண நேரமும் பிரியாதவள் மகாலக்ஷ்மியான நம் தாயார். தேவர்களும் அசுரர்களும் சேர்ந்து திருப்பாற்கடலை கடைந்த பொழுது வெளி வந்த பல அற்புத விஷயங்களில் இவளும் ஒருவள். இவளுக்கு உடன் பிறந்தவன் சந்திரன். தவ்வை இவளுக்கு மூத்தவள். (மூ-தேவி). ஐராவத யானை, காமதேனு மற்றும் இன்னும் பல பல நவரத்தினங்களும் மணிமாணிக்கமும் இவளுடன் வந்தவை. இவள் கடலரசனின் பெண். விஷ்ணுவின் பத்தினி. மன்மதனின் தாய் என்று இவள் பெருமையை சொல்லிக்கொண்டே போகலாம். இவளை பற்றிய ஞானத்தால் நாம் இவ்வாழ்க்கையில் அக்ஞானம் என்னும் இருளை கடந்து வெளிச்சத்திற்கு வருகிறோம். இவளே நமக்கு அருளும் பொருளும் கொடுப்பவள். தக்ஷிணாயன புண்ய காலத்தில் இருள் அதிகமாக இருக்கும் நேரத்தில் தாயாரை பல விதமாக கொண்டாடி இந்த இருளின் பிடியில் இருந்து நம்மை காப்பாற்றிக்கொள்ள முடிகிறது. மன்மதனின் தூண்டுதலால் ஏற்படும் ஆசைக்கும் சபலத்திற்க்கும் ஆளானவர்களை மீட்க உதவுவது இவளின் அளவில்லாத கருணை ஆகும். ஸ்ரீ ராமானுஜர் பங்குனி உத்திரத்தில் ஸ்ரீ ரங்க நாயகியுடன் சேர்த்தியில் இருக்கும் நம்பெருமாளிடம் சரணாகதி செய்யும் போது "நாராயணனுக்கு இனியவளே ! எம்பெருமானை கணபொழுதும் பிரியாதவளே !" என்று பிராட்டியை முன்னிட்டு தான் சரணாகதி கத்யத்தை தொடங்குகிறார்.

நம் பாடசாலையில் நித்ய சுமங்கலி தாயாக எழுந்தருளி இருப்பவளும் இவளே. எல்லா திவ்ய தேசங்களிலும் எழுந்து அருளி இருக்கும் அவளை போற்றி எழுத வேண்டும் என்பது இவளுடைய விருப்பமும் கூட. அதனால் தான் தன் குழந்தைகளான நம் போன்றவர் மூலமாக தன் புகழை பாட அருளுகிறாள்.
"என்னைப் பாடு" என்று நம்மாழ்வாரை எல்லா திவ்ய தேசத்து எம்பெருமான்களும் வரிசையில் நின்று கேட்டது போல் தாயாரும் தன் புகழை பாடிக் கேட்க ஆவலாக இருக்கிறாள்.
நவராத்திரியின் ஒன்பது நாளும் நடந்த இசை நிகழ்ச்சிகளும் நாட்டிய நிகழ்ச்சிகளும் இதையே நமக்கு உணர்த்துகின்றன. இதை தொடர்ந்து பவித்ரோத்ஸவத்தையும் தடங்கல் இல்லாமல் நடத்திக் கொண்டாள். இதை தொடர்ந்து ஜனவரி ஆறாம் தேதி ஆண்டாள் கல்யாணத்துடன் தொடங்கி ஜனவரி பதினேழு வரை நம் பிரதமாச்சாரியன் திருநக்ஷத்திரமும் தேவகான உற்சவமும் நடக்க இருக்கிறது. இதற்கும் தாயார் துணை நின்று செயல் நன்றாக திருத்தி நம்மை பணி கொள்ள வேண்டும். அன்பர்கள், நண்பர்கள் ஆத்ம பந்துக்கள் என்று அனைவரும் வந்து இந்த உற்சவத்தை இனிதே நடத்தி தர வேண்டிக் கொள்கிறேன். சர்வதாரி தை மாத பிறப்பு எல்லோருக்கும் நன்மையையும் நம் தாயாரின் அகலாத அருளையும் ஆசியையும் அளிப்பதாக இருக்க நாரணனின் இனிய பிராட்டியையே வேண்டிக் கொள்வோம்.
நம் அனங்கனது அன்னையே! அச்சுதனின் ஆரணங்கே!
அருளியவுன் அருளாலே ஆரிருளுக்கு அப்பாலே !
(லக்ஷ்மி ஸஹஸ்ரம்)

Rame Raame Murarate: maramataratheemare
Tatam timirametathu matitotitaraami te.
"O Lakshmi, you are the spouse of Murari-(Lord
Vishnu) and the mother of Manmatha. Your husband
Murari is the dispellar of darkness. With His grace also
which is due to your all encompassing grace, I am able
to cross the darkness caused by your son Manmatha's
luring ways.
(Lakshmi Sahsram of Sri Venkata Advari)
The days following the 15th of July till the middle of
January mark the earth's orbit through the southern
direction towards the west. The days are short and
the nights are long-making us feel dull and depressed.
The way to get over this was found in the celebration
of various festivals. So the months following July are
full of festivities and celebration. The ten day long
celebration of Navaratri festival is most known for this.
While on the one hand it is the celebration of victory of
good over evil-Sri Rama's conquest of Ravana, on the
other hand it is the grand occasion to celebrate the
various manifestations of Mahalakshmi as the spouse
of Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva-as Sarasvati, Lakshmi
and Parvathi respectively. As Lakshmi she is extolled
as the daughter of ocean-Sindhuja; the dear sister of
Chandra-the moon-Chandra Sahodari; the younger
sister of Alakshmi and all other precious things along
with poison and nectar,the white Iravata elephant,
Kamadenu which came out during the churning of the
ocean for nectar by the devas and asuras.
She is Rama- one who is pleasing. She pleases
the Lord with her untiring services and with her great
care for the Lord's creation. So much so, a small look
of displeasure or a frown on her face makes the Lord
to change His treatment towards His devotees. Her
beautiful countenance blends with the dark green
colour of the Lord.
Sri Vedanta Desika says-O Devi-you have a blissful
countenence, you are the ocean of bliss and from your
beautiful blissful self manifests your various avataras
in accordance with those of the Lord.These manifestations
blend with your original self after completing
the purpose of the avatara. This nature of yours
reminds us of the waves coming from the sea surging
back into the sea itself.
Sri Nitya Sumangali Tayar in the Pathasala's
sannidhi is verily Rama-one who has enchanting
beauty. All those who come to worship Her are unable
to lift their eyes from her. She was adorned as the
eight Lakshmis on all the eight days and she became
the dispeller of darkness and fear arising out of lust
and greed- on the Vijayadasami day. She was extolled
with words of praise in as many languages by the
students of the Pathasala.The newcomers, a few young
men sang of Selvanayaki in simple tamil.
With Her grace the pavitrosavam - the purification
festival was conducted followed by Deepavali and
Karthigai-and now on to the Dhanurmasa Aradanathe
Paavai Nonbu of Andal.The Devagana Utsavam,
our Prathamacharya's birth celebrations are to begin
from 6th January 2009. We cordially invite all
sahrudayas, atmabandhus, near and dear ones to
participate in all the occasions and be blessed by
Rama-the sweet heart of Vishnu.
The Pongal festival is on the way and we wish all a
happy Pongal and happy prosperous life - in the face
of terrorist activities of unmindful men and the fury of
nature in the form of unexpected floods. Let us, with
Andal, pray to Kanna and Azhimazhaikkanna to be
considerate to send only that much rain that will let
the living things to continue to survive and for us to
carry on a life of devotion-"Margazhi neeraada
magizhndu-naangal vazha nee paidhidai Kanna" To
be free from Kama and his luring ways-let's all pray to
our Dear Rama-Selvanayaki Tayar to help us carry on
the task left behind by our gurus. Those who pray to
Her are free from the curse of Kali and attain moksha
through the path of surrender and the bliss of peace
and prosperity on this earth.
STD Pathasala
Professor V.V.Sadagopan, through his Tyaga bharati
tamil monthly magazine, communicated to the hearts of
children everywhere the essential spirit of Indian music.
Often he would himself read aloud to children, and follow
it with a song appropriate to the occasion.
The story may often be a familiar Panchatantra tale, an
adaptation of Grimm's fairy tale, or one of his own, made
up just then. But always the story and the song would
together educate his audience on some aspect of music
eloquently. To share the joy of these an effort is being
made here to translate these into english for wider reach
and utility.
Once in a famous competition in dance,two girls made
it to the top and danced before an audience. A Rasika
was also present among them.
The two girls danced beautifully, first separately, then
together. Both were equally good, and it was difficult to
say who was better. In the final round, the Rasika handed
them a flower-ball each, and requested them to dance
with it. The girls again danced equally well, but the Rasika
was observing their dance. In the end, he handed the
prize to the first girl saying "I had consealed some thorns
in the flower-balls. This girl held the ball firmly yet lightly
and danced well, while the other held it tightly. The thorns
hurt her, and she winced."
Dedicated to Prof.Sadagopan
Please note our new e-mail id:
Professor Sadagopan was an institute by himself
and embodied, in many ways, the truest spirit of
university education - the quest for the Universal.
He never ceased to reexamine his position, and his
ruthless self-criticism was such as to make a science
of his art. Indeed, he often pointed out that Science
and Art are "diametrically opposed" only in formal
thought, for in reality, are they not (also)
"circumferentially united" by the quest-spirit, even
as the poles of the Earth are connected by water?
True to the Indian tradition, his quest was
inwardly-directed and many looked upon him as a
'Nada Yogi'. The noted musicologist Harold
S.Powers of the U.S wrote of him in a personal
communication: "I think you and your work represent
a kind of ideal spiritual core of what the best in Indian
musical training can be, and in a sense always has
As always, our Nitya Sumangali Tayar has Her
own way of getting things done - so it was during
this Navaratri also. The vocal concerts, veena, violin,
Venuganam and last but not the least, the
Bharatanatyam programme by students of Sri Sai
Nrityalaya of Smt.Lakshmi and students of
Kalasagara, under the able tutelege of Smt.Malathi
Thothadri were commendable.The students of Sai
Nrityalaya were aged from 4 to 13 years old only.
The 4 year old little girl who sweetly posed as little
Andal and little Meenakshi cheered Tayar. One
could see a light of smile in Tayar's face watching
this. All the artists felt the presence of Tayar in her
well decked oonjal in the Hamsa Mandapam built
specially for Tayar's Navaratri festival.
The Andal Goshti collected as many songs on
Tayar in as many languages by great saints and
sang to make Her happy when she was swinging
with her dear Lord-Muddu Selva. She slept listening
to Annamayya's talattu in Telugu-"Paluku Tenela
This was followed by Pavitrotsavam-accompanied
by veena and venuganam.We had the
oppurtunity to sing for Karana Rajar in coimbatore
on oct 30th-also in the wedding of Sow.Naveena
and Sow.Neeraja blessing them with the divine
music of Divya Prabandham.
Tell me parrot, how do you get
your beauty?
"It's simple - I live in harmony
with my mother Nature"
Tell me cuckoo, what makes you sing?
"Pure of heart, I live in tune with the
Tell me peacock, what
makes you dance?
"Cause I have seen the
flashing cloud of rain"
The other day I was talking to Rohini mami as is
our habit to discuss all and sundry things. I asked
her what is the significance of the conch(sanka) and
discus (chakra) that the Lord holds in His hands. She
replied that she has heard learned people say that
the conch represents the sankalpa/Icha sakthi of lord
Vishnu and the discus the kriya sakthi. She went on
to say that it is very beautiful that the decision making
the (sankalpa sakthi) emanates from the Lord and
takes spirialic form.Then it becomes the kriya sakti -
i.e the execution of the Sankalpa or the Icha Sakthi
and forms a full circle.The Icha sakthi and kriya sakthi
form spirals and circles - spirals become a full circle
while winding and while unwinding it opens out as
various spirals.
So I realized if we take one step towards him, he
takes ten steps towards us – and lo and behold – we
are part of the virtuous circle. There is a vicious circle
– that of samsara – the birth-death circle that we
strive to get out of to attain salvation or moksha. The
virtuous circle helps us to do that here and now in
this birth itself
How does this work ?
A simple thought that arises in us about Him is
due to His will. His will manifests as a thought in one
person, urging him/her to express in the form of
speech, which causes another person to act on it.
That action spurs further thoughts, and the cycle goes
on and on, touching the lives of each and every one
involved with the divine hand. The divine hand touches
us, draws us closer, and is waiting to embrace us –
should we not take that one step towards him?
Éñô˜ ÉMˆ ªî£¿¶, õ£Jù£™ ð£®,
ñùˆFù£™ C‰Fˆ¶, H¬öè¬÷ Éꣂ°«õ£«ñ
Dr.Ranjani Parthasarathi
Anna University, Chennai-25
The Origin of Lyric poetry
It is said that during the early days when Rome
and South India had flourishing trade links. Tamil
Kings often hired burly Roman men to serve as
bodyguards and their fair complexioned sisters
to sing and dance before them. The girls would
sing songs sweetly with the lyre (Tamil Yazh)
extolling the King's valour and victories. The Lyric
poems were written by poets who were either
hired or who came of their own, seeking
A new era of lyric poetry began when the first
three Alvars Poykai, Putam and Pey, huddled
in the dark recess of a vestibule on a rainy night,
broke into song and had a vision of the Lord in
their midst. Pey, the last of the three, met another;
bhaktisara and transfered to him their divine
experience.This latter poet broke new ground
when he resolved to use the gift of his silver tongue
exclusively for divine service. When the reigning
king of Vekha, near Kanchipuram, heard of
Bhaktisara's poetic abilities he invited the poet
to his court but in open defiance of court and
custom, Bhaktisara refused to sing either the
king or any mortal. This began a tradition of poetry
addressing the Lord as King and later, as lover;
as child, as friend and as the self.
(From the book Araiyar Sevai by Sri Srirama
Sri Vedantam has been making several efforts to
educate as many as possible about the Sri Vaishnava
Sampradaya by bringing out audio and video cassettes
and small booklets. Those who are interested may
please contact him at the address given below:
R.Vedantham, Advocate, # 273 (Old #230), Avvaii
Shanmugam Salai, Royapettah, Chennai-600 014,
Phone: 044-2813 0287 / 98405 95930.
We are happy to inform of the special offer during
our Guru's birthday celebration.
The Devagana Audio CDs-20 for Rs.4000/- will
be supplemented with a free copy of the book
"Araiyar Sevai" by Sri Srirama Bharati.
The Sacred Book of Four thousand will also have
a free copy of the book of Tiruppavai Illustration
with the line Drawing of Tiruppavai pasuram as a
Please contact Smt.Sowbhagyalakshmi for
further information contact Phone: 044-22462436,
99529 60527.
(Continued from Oct. 2008 issue)
"Then yamuna became the king? Did the king keep
up his promise"? asked Aditya anxiously. "Surely"
replied Periamma. Not only that-the queen accepted
him as her son. Young Yamuna now became prince
Yamuna and enjoyed all the grandeur and benefits,
pleasures that go with a rich life. All poets were
released from prison and benefits were awarded to
them with the respect due to them in place of torture
and humility that they suffered in the hands of Aakki
Alvan, the court poet."
"Periamma! this reminds me of a nice lesson I read in my class"
said Radha with amusement. "Yes,what is it Radha?" asked
That is-if there is one good person around so many
benefit due to the goodness just like one incense
stick which spreads fragrance all the place around
it. Whereas if a person irrespective of age makes
everyone miserable and troubled through his
negative behaviour, he is like a rotten fruit which
makes the other fruits rot in a basket full of fresh
friuts ".
"Sure Radha! This is what our Guru Sadagopan
mama will call as a Virtuous circle and a vicious circle".
"Is Alavandar's story over, periamma?" interrupted Aditya.
"Not yet, Aditya. Everyone's life goes through changes like the
river changes its route" said Periamma.
'River changes its routes! That's amusing" observed Radha. "How
is it?" asked Aditya quite confused.
"During monsoon season it rains heavily and the rivers are all
flooded-when the flood water overflows it flows over all that comes
in its way, not only in the river-bed but everywhere it is flowing.
Due to this several villages and inhabitations disappear suddenly.
Later in the future they are found buried under the soil. So, where
there was a river bed becomes the living place for people and the
river flows through a different route" Periamma stopped as Radha
interpted- "Periamma we are forgetting the verse". "Not at all
....repeat after me" said Periamma.
Aachariyargalanaivarum mun aacharitta,
aachaaramathanai ariyadar--pesuginra
vaarthaigalaik kettu marulaade-pooruvargal
seerthi nilaithannai nenje ser.
O heart of mine! do not heed the words of those who have no
regard for the righteous ways of the great acharyas and feel
confused. Stand steadfast in the path followed by the great
teachers and attain the goal reached by them.
- Upadesa Ratna Maalai of Sri Manavaala Maamuni
(Continued from Oct. 2008 issue)
(Periyalvar Tirumoli 4.9.6)
Thereupon I came looking for the Lord everywhere
and found him seated in your midst. I said to him,
“You are wonderful and worthy of worship”. Since no
worship is complete without a sacrificial offering of
love that is Dakshina, the lord corrected me and said,
“I am indeed wonderful and worthy of worship, with an
offering”. When sage Narada concluded his account,
the kings were immensely pleased to learn the truth
and gracefully bent their heads to the Lord. This narrative
appears in Harivamsam, Ch.159.
(To be contd.)
Edited & Published by: Sowbhagyalakshmi Srirama Bharati, Director, Sri Sadagopan Tirunarayanaswami Divya Prabandha Pathasala,
Sadagopan Tirunagar, Jalladampet, Chennai - 600 100, Ph: 22462436 Email:,, Printed at : V.K.Graphics, Ch-33, Ph: 94441 56275. For Private Circulation
"Amma, school leave
vittu everytime kovilluku
varum bodhellam oru
pudhu kannu kutti
irukkume indha tharavai
appadi pudhusaa oru
kannu kutti irukkamaa ...." asked Raghav in his
sweet voice
"Amaam Amaam Krithika Mami - indha dharava
irukka Mami ..." asked Kichaa quickly ...
"Dont you know... I saw little Rangamani running
here and there like a deer ..." replied Krithika Maami.
"Appadiyaa...amma ... naan adhai Ranganayaki
dhan nu ninachen ..." said Raghav.
"Illai illai.... kuttanna yenakku theriyum adhu
Rangamani dhan ... kovil mami told me no... appadi
dhaane Krithika maami?" said Kicha.
"Yes pattu .. Rangamani dhaan ..." said Krithika
pavam daa
Perumal took
and Chinna"
said Kicha.
yenna daa...
ippo dhan
irukaale ..
azhadhe daa Kichaa.." consoled Raghav.
Raghav Kicha


CDNalini said...

Well done, Sowsri. sadly there has been no further update. Please continue as we do not when some one will want more of the same.

Good luck and

Godspeen for more

Senthil Kumar V said...

Namaskaram. I see from web that your pathasala has published an english translation of the nalayiram divya prabhandam in 2000. Is it in print / stock now? Please let me know how I can purchase it. Thanks. Senthil,